Some links! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
A thought-provoking essay on beauty, grooming, and how this translates to “emotional work” in a partnership.Thanks to Already Pretty for the link.
Already Pretty also has a great piece on how sleeve length impacts your look. I’m so pleased that sleeves are returning to summer garments after our long fashion nightmare.
Silk top on sale at House of Fraser. I fear I’m too short for it, but maybe you?
Another trend that pleases me: silk garments. This fashion trend is cycling through to thrift stores super-fast, because people don’t know how to take care of their silk garments without drycleaning. Here’s instructions on how to handwash silk. The darker/more vivid a silk garment is, the less you should wash it.
Attention online Antipodean shoppers: House of Fraser in the UK, a large department store, is having a 70% sale on their summer stock AND their shipping is 10 pounds flat. I like the bohemian-romantic East dresses and the geometric Mary Portas line.
Current obsession: queer French perfumer Germaine Cellier. “Cellier infamously dedicated Fracas ~a voluptuous tuberose scent conceived for “femmesâ€~ to the beautiful Edwige Feuillère, while she promised the butcher Bandit to the “dykesâ€.” There is no historical roman a clef about her…why? This means I have to write it. I owe this new obsession to two friends, one the dame who thrust the book Perfume: The Story of a Murderer into my hands and said, “You have to read this,” and the other the damsel behind Unseen Censer, who sent me Cellier’s leather-and-violets scent Jolie Madame.