Congratulations to our randomly chosen winner of a ticket to the Miss and Mr. Burlesque New Zealand competition – Bailey! She’ll get to see the competitors shimmy and shake on stage on March 22nd – and you can too, but you’ll have to buy your own ticket. For those of you outside of Wellington the feature stars including Sina King will be performing in Auckland, Christchurch, and Palmerston North.
Another burlesque heads up: the New Zealand Burlesque Festival is scheduled this year for early October in budget-friendly Palmerston North.
You can get Ernst Haeckel’s stunning natural history imagery on T-shirts. Jellyfish? Pitcher plants? Horseshoe crabs?? Cannot choose!!! I mean, who doesn’t love horseshoe crabs?
Bompas and Parr: incomparable jellymongers who have turned food into art. Even better, they’re hiring. Check out what they do:

The magnificient jellyworks of Bompas and Parr. I want to give that table a bump. Just a little one.
On a less wiggly note, thrifters and second-hand shoppers, hit the streets. Wellington is full of “school fairs” this weekend and next, and that means jumble. I can’t make it to the Seatoun School Fair next weekend but their clothing section is most excellent. And the region’s thrift stores, from small ones to the Rebound and Save-Mart used clothing barns, are in the middle of seasonal turnover, with jackets and sweaters arriving.