To be femme is to have conscious acknowledgement and dedication to femininity, while simultaneously subverting traditional gender roles. Femme stands manicured hand in hand with feminism, for  it can be a tremendous fight to model and live strong femininity. For me, identifying as femme shows my choice to both express femininity and live my life in a feminist way. To value gender play and expression of all kinds.
With this in mind, Ever So Scrumptious is my femme blog for sharing writing, projects, and online goodness. Karen Finley and style blogs. Cupcakes and Cixous. Vintage clothing and history, cosmetics reviews and cisgender privilege, sewing projects gone right and wrong, and really great books that I would lend you if you lived nearby.
What’s with the vintage fur information? I posted an article about vintage furs when I first started the blog. It’s provided a steady stream of web traffic, and I started getting email queries, which led to more vintage fur posts. Please note that I do not deal with vintage furs in any professional capacity, neither buying nor selling, but I have been a vintage clothing aficionado since I was sixteen, and dabbled in vintage clothing sales. (I was also interested in taxidermy before it was cool, I’ll have you know.) I own several vintage fur pieces myself that I wear perhaps six times a year, in Wellington’s wet and temperate climate. All of them have been given to me by generous friends or family and they all have names (Basil, Minky, Minky Junior, and Bonzer.)
A quick copyright note – all photos on the site are either original (the worse the picture is, the more likely I took it myself), cited by photographer (see caption or mouseover), or are/will be cited using Creative Commons source and use requirements.